In cases of financial hardship, you may be able to enter into installment agreements at the Office’s discretion, to facilitate collection of payments due. The Office may require financial statements prior to and during the administration of such agreements and may amend such agreements in the event of default or change in the taxpayer’s financial condition.
All businesses including cannabis businesses may be eligible for an installment agreement for up to 12 months. Please contact the Office of Finance at,, for eligibility requirements.
Cannabis Businesses
In the event of an entity substitution, all liabilities (Principal, Interest, Penalties and Fees) including balances under an installment plan must be paid prior to the entity substitution to be approved by the Department of Cannabis Regulation
For assistance in determining if you may enter into an installment agreement, you may call or visit any of our offices. Please make sure to have the following:
Name of You or Your Spouse (if applicable)
Account number
Social Security Number or EIN
Brief description of your business activity
Daytime phone number (including area code) or email
Please click the link below for a downloadable sample letter.
Once the letter is complete, please mail to:
Billing Unit
Office of Finance, City of Los Angeles
200 North Spring Street, Room 101
Los Angeles, CA 90012